Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just Begin...

It is the beginning,, the get started and getting going that often seems the biggest step. Once you get started though, it is just continuing to put one foot in front of the other. 

Susan Boyle performs Duet with Elaine Paige

Well... if you had a dream to be as successful as your mentor, then got to be on stage with them.. What an amazing gift and blessing that would be!!

Susan Boyle does as well as her mentor Elaine Paige here in this performance showing how to really live into your brilliance and let your light shine!!

One of the best inspirational videos ever - Susan Boyle - Britains Got T...

ahh.. speaking about Achieving Success ... this is a great video to show to NEVER give up on your dreams.

Achieving Success

       Are you the creative type that GASPS at the thought of organizing something and needing to do it everyday?  ( Yep. Everyday) Yet wanting to accomplish your goals? 

Ken Christian, author of  Your Own Worst Enemy: Breaking the Habit of Adult Underachievement, is in the midst of his own 90 day Youtube Challenge and has some tips and hints on how to get to where you are wanting to go. You can watch the video below for his tips.

My goal is to get my book "Breathe, A Gift for the Mother's Spirit" and the accompanying movie out in the next 10 days. 

As for my 90 day challenge? Hmm.. I will think of that. Perhaps the writing a blog post everyday for 90 days is what I am ready to do. ( Or video, but just posting SOMETHING.) 

What would you do for a 90 day challenge? Please post and let us know! 

Inspired GOOGLE Fun!

Have you seen the new google page for today!? What Inspired FUN!!!

Google HomePage May 23 2012

It's interactive keyboard with Mixer!! Go today and try it out!

You Are Great!

Do you see yourself as being Great? In the most wonderful way, not the egotistical way.. but one of valuing yourself, and seeing the value you have to give to the world. 

My daughter has a new word for greatness.. She says to me.. " Mommy, You are Awepic." Which is a combination of Awesome And Epic. 

It's time to start a new way to seeing yourself today... and today.. that is You are AWEPIC!